Trusted Small Engine Sales & Services in Sumter, SC

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Full Sales & Service Shop

If you need a new lawn mower or maintenance services for any of your lawn equipment, Grahams Small Engine & Repair of Sumter is the place to be. As a leading small engine repair shop in Sumter, SC, we’re proud to offer amazing sales, services, and repairs for all of your outdoor equipment.

Authorized Husqvarna® & Scag® Dealers

Local Expertise

Financing Options

Local Expertise

We’ve helped people with their small engine needs for years and have become a trusted service shop in Sumter County.

Our expertise allows us to service all brands and models of lawn mowers or handheld outdoor equipment. We’re eager to give you the reliable results you deserve.

Authorized Dealer for Husqvarna & Scag

Husqvarna logo
Scag logo

Grahams Small Engine & Repair of Sumter is an authorized dealer for selling and servicing Husqvarna and Scag products. These brands provide high-quality equipment to meet your lawn and outdoor needs.

Financing Options Available

We have affordable financing options available so everyone has access to the lawn mowers and repair services they need without having to stress over the cost.

Stop by Today

Find a Husqvarna mower or have any make or model of lawn equipment you own serviced at Grahams Small Engine & Repair of Sumter. We look forward to helping you with your needs in a timely and affordable fashion.

Come by to see us today!

(803) 469-4411
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